Tahoe Check-in, Check-out & Transport Information
Tahoe Location:
Camp Concord
1000 Mt. Tallac Rd B, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150
Tahoe Check-In
Campers who are taking the bus, Check-In begins at 10:30am. Be sure to eat lunch prior to check-in! The location for “Check-in” and “Check-out” from Concord at the Willow Pass Community Park Softball fields, 2748 E Olivera Rd, Concord CA 94519.
Campers who will be meeting us at Camp Tahoe and NOT taking the bus may check-in between 3:30pm-4:30pm. The location for “Check-in” and “Check-out” at Camp Concord (address shown above).
Tahoe Check-Out
Check-Out for Campers riding the bus, the Transportation Bus will arrive back in Palo Alto around 1:30-2:00pm on the Saturday of your Session ending.
Check-out for Campers NOT riding the bus happens right at Overnight Camp Tahoe (Camp Concord), and is anytime between 10:00am and 10:30am on the Saturday of your session ending.
Tahoe Transport
Transportation fills up quickly, please choose this option at registration if you believe you will need transport for the 3.5 hour drive to camp. Once the bus spaces fill we can’t add more, and you will be responsible for transporting your camper(s) to- and from- Camp Concord.
One-Way transport: $85
Both-Way Transport: $135
Please note that bus transportation will involve a short check-in, followed by loading suitcases and boarding the bus right away. A majority of our staff will be up at Tahoe setting up camp and awaiting arrival of campers. Please be sure to have all necessary Medications & Paperwork PRE-BAGGED and LABELED for submittal at check-in for a smooth process. Return bus trip includes snacks for all campers.