Meals & Accommodations
These are a festive time where campers share the highlights of their day!

Nutritious meals will be served three times a day in the dining hall. They are a time for Cabins to come together to get to know each other, connect and replenish.
Counselors help serve the kids, as most the meals are buffet style. Everyone in your cabin rotates to help clear the tables. Please inform us prior to April 1st of any food allergies or special dietary needs your child(ren) may have.

Campers will be lodged in cabins by age group/gender. Campus has two bath-houses with easily accessible flush toilets, hot water and showers. Each cabin has 8-10 bunk beds. The counselors stay in the cabin through the night, providing around-the-clock supervision for the campers. The cabins are a short walk to the dining hall and are centrally located in the camp where most of the activities take place.
We take requests for placement with friends, of course! However, the pairings need to be close in age and the same gender.